Odisha finally managed to secure a geographical indication (GI) tag for its beloved local version of Rasgulla. It now seems that the tug of war between West Bengal and Kolkata has resulted in a draw, with Odisha also being granted the GI tag for Odisha Rasagola, i.e., less than two years after West Bengal won the GI tag for its Rasgulla. The formal certification was issued by the Chennai-based GI registry on its website.
A GI refers to a name or distinctive sign that is used on a product i.e., usually owned collectively, and can be used to distinguish goods based on its geographical origin and unique characteristics. Also, the GI tag helps in marketing and branding of a local product and can draw penalties if someone is found copying outside that geographical region.
In 2017, West Bengal received GI tag for its variety of Rasgulla, which lead to many people believing that the sweet delicacy originated in West Bengal. This led to a fight between the two states both on social media and off it too. However, now Odisha Rasagola getting the GI tag seems to end the two-year-long battle.
The GI tag for the same product from both the states will now be recognized by two distinct texture and taste. While submitting the same before the GI registrar, the Odisha Small Industries Corp. Ltd, which received the GI tag, said “Odisha Rasgulla is very soft to feel, juicy and non-chewy inconsistency, and can be swallowed without teeth pressure. The Rasgulla prepared in other places is circular, a milk-white in color and spongy and chewy inconsistency.”
While West Bengal claimed that the idea of this delicacy was conceived by Nobin Chandra Das (birth 1845) at his Bagbazar residence in Kolkata, Odisha locals cite that their Rasgulla dates back to the 12th century when these were being offered at the Puri Jagannath Temple.
Report courtesy: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/destinations/after-kolkata-odisha-gets-gi-tag-for-its-own-variety-of-rasgulla/as70451535.cms