Independence Day is an annual observance celebrated every year on the 15th of August. India’s Independence Day is a day of great significance for the people of India. At this day India got freedom from the British rule after long years of slavery. It has been declared as the National and Gazetted Holiday all across India in order to independently commemorate the independence of the country from the British Empire on 15th of August in 1947.

It was not so easy for India to get freedom from the Britishers however; various great people and freedom fighters of India made it a truth. They had sacrificed their lives in attaining the freedom for their future generations without worrying about their comfort, rest and freedom. They planned and acted upon various Independence Movements including violent and nonviolent resistance to get complete freedom. However, later independence Pakistan was partitioned from India which was accompanied by violent riots. That horrible riot was the reason for mass casualties and dislocation of people (more than 15 million) from their homes.

At this day, all the national, states and local government’s offices, banks, post offices, markets, stores, businesses, organizations, etc become closed. However, public transport is totally unaffected. It is celebrated in the capital of India with big enthusiasm however it is also celebrated in all the schools, colleges and other educational institutions by the students and teachers including public community and society.

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Independence Day
Independence Day

Independence Day in India commemorates 15th August, the day on which India attained independence. After remaining under British rule for over 100 years, India finally regained freedom in the year 1947. Declared a National holiday, the Independence Day is celebrated throughout the country with much fanfare and gaiety. Functions are organized in each and every state, where the Chief Minister does the flag hoisting. Various cultural programs also characterize the Independence Day celebrations in India.

On the Independence Day functions are organized in each and every school of the country and flag hoisting takes place, along with the singing of the National anthem. However, the grandest celebrations take place in the capital city of India, New Delhi. The festival starts with the address of the Prime Minister of India to the nation from ramparts of the Red Fort. Thereafter, Independence Day festival at Delhi proceeds forward with the flag hoisting ceremony by the Prime Minister of India. The Independence Day Parade by the personnel of the police and armed forces follows soon after.

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