I kindly welcome y’all to another edition of our monthly magazine “Travel Viewpoint.” We’re happy ’cause of the response that we got on our first issue.
Traveling to Uttar Pradesh would definitely be a fascinating experience since there are many places to explore. Y’all must be knowing that Uttar Pradesh is the largest state of our country, and therefore, it’s evident that there must be a tremendous variation in art, culture, tradition, and obviously numerous legends. In fact, in every street, you’ll find different and insane stuff, and there are many things around that will teach you some precious life lessons.
The kingdom consists of numerous exciting things as it is a spiritual state of Ganga and Yamuna. For instance, if you look at the Ghats at Varanasi, they nevermore fail to delight us. And how can we forget Lucknow, the state capital? That is precisely known for its “Tehzeeb” and the “Nawabs”; basically, it’s a glorious empire on its own. Subsequently, the culture and architecture of every small region in Uttar Pradesh are just marvelous.
And let’s don’t neglect the Triveni that signifies the gathering of three magnificent Indian Rivers Ganga- Yamuna- Saraswati, the iconic Taj Mahal, Ayodhya- a city built by Gods and being prosperous as paradise itself, the stories of Rani of Jhansi and the legendary pilgrimage sites Mathura and Vrindavan Belt. Well, you’ll surely get to know about all these in this monthly issue.
Travel Viewpoint struggled day by day to motivate and inspire y’all to connect to a world of strange experiences in Uttar Pradesh to ultimately transform how you view the world and yourself, the best pleasant outcome from a journey apart from home. Moreover, give someone the benefit of the doubt, ’cause the more you’ll travel, the deeper you explore! And time flies when you’re having fun, and sometimes it’s completely okay to give away time to yourself.
“Work, Travel, Save, Repeat”
These four words are enough for a traveler to make time and see the world. In fact, you need to be bold in pursuing your passions and what you are interested in. For me, it’s travel. For others, it may be a business venture, a lifestyle change, or even just a big life decision. Whatever you are passionate about, pursue it relentlessly. But remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.

For any doubts, feel free to ask on Quora, a social question-and-answer website.
Also, have a look at our various monthly issues.
Khushi Anand